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Natural vs Protected Food

In nature, food is subjected to various kinds of stress falling in biotic (living components) and abiotic (non living) categories. Insect bites, fungus, hailstone, rains, excess sun light exposures , soil etc which is part of natural ecosystem. Many of us in natural farming believe that there can not be sustainable farming without this ecosystem. I am of the opinion that the food grown in highly controlled/protected environment (like poly houses, hydroponics etc ) is highly unnatural. It might be a necessity for adverse situations but not the best option for most others. Now a days agriculture scientists and companies are promoting covers/nets for every single fruit on tree. This is to meet customers demand who want good looking fruits with perfect colour, perfect peel, perfect size and no ugly looking marks of insect bites , sun exposure, water marks etc. Do you want to fall for these good looking ones or natural ones? Your choice is important because industry moves according to what sells in the market. Some of you who are old like me would know, mangoes used to be sold as green only except few natural coloured varieties. Today, almost all mangoes are sold in attractive yellow colour. De-greening is the process of removing the green colour (chlorophyll) from the skin of fruit after harvest using ethylene gas treatment. We all have been trained to buy good looking fruits and discard natural ones. My humble request to all of you is to think and read more about these artificial/human interventions before making your buying decision. Would like to hear your views pls. Thanks
#food #environment #agriculture #farming #sustainable
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Organic Post

Why Organic ?

Here are seven reasons to Go Organic given by Uttarakhand Organic Commodity Board  (UOCB).

1> Organic food ensures no use of synthetic chemicals or hormones

2>Organic food is more nutritious

3> Better taste and shelf life

4> Encourages fair trade practice by directly connecting farmers and marketing agencies with customers directly

5>Promotes low carbon footprint by using  much less fossil fuel

6>Promotes Regeneration, Rejuvenation and Restoration of the soil fertility

7> Preserve mountain ecosystems.
